Dragon Blade" is a historical action film released in 2015. Here's a brief summary:
Title: Dragon Blade
Director: Daniel Lee
Release Year: 2015
Plot Summary: Set in 48 B.C., during the Han Dynasty, "Dragon Blade" follows the story of a Chinese commander, Huo An (played by Jackie Chan). Huo An, framed for a crime he didn't commit, is sent to the Wild Geese Gate, a remote outpost on the Silk Road.
In this outpost, Huo An encounters a Roman general named Lucius (played by John Cusack), who is fleeing from a corrupt Roman brother named Tiberius (played by Adrien Brody). The three men form an unlikely alliance to defend the outpost from external threats.
The film explores themes of friendship, honor, and the clash of cultures as the characters unite against a common enemy. It features elaborate action sequences, blending martial arts choreography with epic historical battles. "Dragon Blade" is known for its international cast, including Jackie Chan, John Cusack, and Adrien Brody.
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