Aladdin" is a Disney animated musical that tells the tale of a young street urchin named Aladdin who lives in the fictional city of Agrabah. Aladdin's life takes a magical turn when he comes into possession of a magical lamp housing a Genie with the power to grant three wishes. With the help of the Genie, Aladdin transforms into a prince in order to win the heart of Princess Jasmine, who is confined to the palace by her father.
However, the villainous Jafar, the royal vizier, also seeks the magical powers of the Genie to fulfill his nefarious plans. Aladdin must navigate the challenges of deception, magic, and true love to overcome Jafar and win the heart of Princess Jasmine.
The film is known for its memorable characters, catchy musical numbers (including "A Whole New World" and "Friend Like Me"), and the iconic performance of Robin Williams as the Genie.
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