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"Peter Rabbit" is a 2018 animated/live-action film based on the beloved children's book character created by Beatrix Potter. The film was directed by Will Gluck and features a mix of live-action and CGI animation.

Brief Story Summary:

The story revolves around Peter Rabbit, a mischievous and adventurous rabbit, and his friends in the vegetable garden of Mr. McGregor, a grumpy farmer. After the death of Mr. McGregor, the rabbits believe they have the garden to themselves. However, McGregor's great-nephew, Thomas McGregor, inherits the property and moves in with the intention of selling it.

Peter and Thomas immediately clash over the control of the garden and the affections of Bea, a kind-hearted neighbor who loves animals and takes care of them. The rivalry escalates as Peter and his friends engage in a series of pranks to drive Thomas out of the garden.

As the conflict unfolds, the film explores themes of friendship, family, and the consequences of one's actions. The story also incorporates elements from Beatrix Potter's original tales, including the iconic blue jacket worn by Peter Rabbit.

Throughout the film, there's a blend of humor, adventure, and heartwarming moments as Peter learns valuable lessons about responsibility and the importance of family and friendship. The movie caters to both children and adults, combining a classic character with modern storytelling elements.

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